At 4 and a half years old, Elliott has a loose tooth! I didn't even know you could lose teeth this early!?!? I think I was in the first grade before I lost a tooth. I have heard the earlier you get teeth, the earlier you lose them, and Elliott did have four teeth at four months old.
He discovered his loose tooth at breakfast this morning. While eating a bagel, he said, "Mommy, my tooth hurts." I looked in this mouth and the offending tooth was a little wobbly. My little man, being the sensitive guys that he is, was very concerned. I, of course, explained that it was all totally normal and that it is actually so cool because these are baby teeth and that soon he was going to have GROWN-UP teeth, just like Mommy and Daddy! Then I told him all about the tooth fairy, and how you put the tooth under your pillow, and how she leaves you MONEY. I thought I was doing a pretty good job explaining it all when I notice poor Elliott has tears in his eyes! So, I just hold him and assure him everything is going to be ok, and he seems better, but he refuses to eat any more of his bagel.
Fast forward to later tonight:
E: "Do monkeys have teeth?"
Me: "Yep, sure do."
(Elliott sits thoughtfully for a couple of minutes)
E: "So, do they stick them in bananas and she just takes the banana?"
Me: (very confused) "What?!?!" (realization hits) "Ohhhh, monkeys. Yeah buddy, I don't think the tooth fairy goes to monkeys."
E: "Why not?"
Me: "Eat your dinner."
ha! i like that the monkeys would stick their teeth in bananas, since obviously they have no pillows :)