Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Summer in Snapshots

Now that the summer has come to a close and fall has officially descended, I think it is a great time to look back at all the things I wanted to blog about and never had time to.  A summer in snapshots...

The summer of the tractor.  The new neighborhood is the perfect place for Elliott to ride his John Deere tractor and man, oh man, did he!  This is right before we had Lily on an 80+ degree day that Elliott thought it would be fun to ride his tractor in his chicken suit.

Lily, about a week old.

Another picture of Lily, about a week or so old.  We were actually at an outdoor concert, and Lily slept through the whole thing.

Brother checks out the new arrival

Lily's first bath

The family at Aunt Kelly's wedding.  Elliott was the ring bearer and Lily was the flower girl (one month old - that has to be the youngest flower girl ever!)

Building sand castles with Daddy in Ocean City

Posing after the wedding with Mr. Frog

Being flower girl is hard work

Surrounded by ocean and sand and fun, and all Elliott wants to do is play with Mommy's iPhone.  Seriously??

At Ocean City.  Elliott was pretty much miserable, but I made him take this picture with me.  How can a kid hate the beach????

After Lily's first photo shoot.  Love this dress, and doesn't Elliott look so handsome in pink?!?!

Holds rattle successfully for the first time

Although Elliott refused to take a pacifer, Lily is a big fan of hers

We sometimes lovingly refer to Lily as Baby Pterodactyl.  Caw, Caw!  Guess you have to be there...

Elliott equates fun with screaming at the top of your lungs, much to our neighbors' delight.

Chunky Monkey

The girl can rock a bow

Siblings, and already best buds.  Elliott is such a loving and affectionate big brother.  My favorite is when he talks baby talk to her.

Elliott helps Daddy build his big boy bed!!

Lily at play

Peek A Boo!


  1. Great pictures. Can't believe how big they are both getting. I don't think a professional photographer could have captured a better picture of them than the one you took after Lily's pictures...Love that one! Also love the one of Elliott with Mr. Frog. He is such a handsome little man!

  2. you certainly have had an eventful summer!! i can't wait to see halloween pics.. :)
